Monday, December 15, 2008

Foreshadowing - Due December 22nd

Today's lesson showed us that foreshadowing is a device that author's use to give hints about what is to come later on in the story.

Can you identify any place in Freak the Mighty where Rodman Philbrick (the author) may have been trying to warn you about how the story might end?


Gabby101 said...

Yes I can. When he talks about Freak getting a robot body, but doesn't want to talk about it with Gwen; that told me that he was lying. Which led me to think that if they talked about his insides growing and his outside staying the same size, I knew what was coming.

RNguyen said...

I found a foreshadowing about when Dr. Spivak told Max that Freak lied about the robotic body he was getting but his insides and heart were getting too big for him an they cant do anything to stop it.

ce_starlites123 said...

I can identify it because when Freak was showing Max the Research Hospital, Freak told Max that the doctors were going to nmake Freak a new body, i could tell that that wasn't true. Espically since Freak seemed to be the only person who know about it.

By: ce_starlites

Anonymous said...

I saw a part in Freak the Mighty that hinted how the story would end like when he is going into the hospital after his spasm. Lots of different bad things happened to Freak and Max and he gets real depressed. Ever since after Killer Kane got arrested and sent to jail there was a huge senquence of bad depressing events. Because of all of that you can tell it is all going to lead up to a real upsetting event at the end.
-Posted by Alexander the Great

Anonymous said...

Yes, because when Freak talks about getting a new "robot body" he doesnt metion it to anyone but Max which told me that he was either not telling the truth or he made it up.

By: Midnightsun222

Anonymous said...

I think he kind of was hinting us when freak said his insides were growing faster than his outside so i could kind of tell that something bad would happen. and another thing that hinted me was that when freak would not be able to breathe all of the sudden. Posted by 20140050

Swimmer Law said...

I think that freak was kind of warning us that he was going to die when he handed Max that notebook and said that it might take him weeks even months to walk again. Write down all the quests we have gone on then the ones that you go on. Then Max says that he can't write and that Freak would need to teach him. Then Freak says you will have to learn on your on.

Posted By
Swimmer Law

te'amox25 said...

Yes, I can, when Freak was showing Max the Research Hospital that Freak is absolutely happy about, Freak says that the doctors were going to make him a new robot/human body. I can tell that it could not be true because nobody else really knew about the robot body.

Anonymous said...

I found a foreshadow on when Freak lied about getting a robot body surgery but actually his insides were growing too big for his body and the hints that gave me it was when Freak had problems with the chop suey.

Posted by 201403560

DrueDog21 said...

I think the author was hinting that the ending wouldn't be all that great because when Killer Kane kidnaps Max, Max is constantly thinking about Freak. He is wondering and worrying about him, and what he is doing. This tells me that Max feels that something bad is going to happen to Freak.

clesmh721 said...

yes, when kevin told max about his new robot body but wouldnt talk about it to anybody else that made me think that what happens at the end happens

Austin said...

Yes, when Max got taken away by Killer Kane and he didnt't know what is going to happen to him, Freak, Gram, Grim and The Mighty Fair Gwen. when he gets taken away and know what to do.

Anonymous said...

Yes. When Freak went to the hospital for seizures I knew that that was going to happen and because Freak told Max about his surgery but kept quiet when around his mom talking about it.


Tuesday11 said...

The whole book you knew that Freak had problems with his body. When he told Max about the robot body it sounded a little too go to be true. Also once Killer Kane got out of jail and kidnapped I knew that he was going to come kidnapp Max, which I saw coming.

Anonymous said...

When Freak talks about getting the new body he is foreshadowing the clothes making place.


Anonymous said...

I think that the author was warning you when Freak was about to die when Freak had a sesor. I also think that anoter foreshadow was coming when Max's dad showed up because you could tell that it was going to happen.


Anonymous said...

When freak lies about getting robot surgery and when he couldn't tell anybody.


Mia said...

I think that I know a place. When they were having christmas dinner, Freak wasn't eating anything and just kind of played with it. And when he was at school, he would eat the "gruel" and got sick and couldn't breath. Simple things like that don't just go unnoticed. I think that was fore-shadow because it showed that freak was starting to have more problems and that he might have more in the future. The thing is, he doesn't have a long one.

Anonymous said...

When max was writing his book and talking about the story

micheal sheets

Anonymous said...

When he talked about Freak getting robot surgery and he doesn't tell gwen which then I knew he was lying. But I knew that he was staying the same size while his insides grew.


Anonymous said...

Yes, When they went to the doctor and they were warned that his insides were growing but his bones weren't. Also when Freak was talking about the research center where he would get his new legs, but he didn't talk much about it.

this post was posted by jrd13

car_soccer said...

Freak hinted it several times. But he would cover it up by saying that he was going to get a new 'robot' body. And after the event of Freak going to the hospital the first time, Max sort of knew that Freak wasn't going to be okay. So it left hints as to what would happen at the very end.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when Kevin says that he is going go get a robot body, and then Max says i think that is to dangererous and Kevin says don't be a moron you arent the one getting the surgerey, he also says don't tell anyone what i just told you because i don't want to worry anyone and at the end the place that he says is where he will get the robot body ends up being a place attached to the hospital where they wash dead people clothes that they wore in the hospital and Max figured out that Kevin was lying to him the whole time so he confronts the Dr. Spivak and she says that when Kevin was 7 years old she told him that he would be the first human robot to walk the earth, and thats why Kevin was so happy and thats why he said he was going to be a robot.
Posted By: 20140353

nikki2014 said...

yes i did see a little bit of forshadowing. One part was when Freak was at the research hospital. When he was at the hospital he lied and told Max that he was going to be the first ever human robot in about 1 year. but the truth was his insides were growing but his outsides were not, and he was going to die in 1 year.

Anonymous said...

I think Philbrooks was warning us that freak might or would die because of his disease. But that is not my example of the forshadowing. My example is that when Kenneth Keen, Max's dad, came to get him. I really didn't see that one coming. I also didn't think Freak would acctually die. I kinda saw it coming but not really. I thought that maybe, just maybe he would live, or I guess I should say I was hoping.


EBB said...

When Freak and Max were at school, he had a seizure. When max was in the hospital with taht tube down his throat. Especialy when Freak talked to Max about getting a new body. Freak said he would change into a new person, a new being. when Freak said "a new being" he ment turning into an angel or going to Heaven "the ultimate change"

Smiley (: said...

Yes I can. When Freak was telling Max about getting a bionic body, Freak was very secretive about it. He seemed to be the only one that knew about it, so I could tell that he was lying.
When Freak gave Max the book, he said he wouldn't know when he would be able to walk again, and he told him to write down all of their quests, so Max could have something to remembber of them. I thought this was a way of Freak telling Max of what was to come.

Anonymous said...

I think it was pretty obvious when Freak told Max that he was getting a new body at the hospital, because that couldn't happen. At least not yet if they figure out how to do it at all. Also, when he was eating dinner with his grandma and grandpa, he said something like "poor Freak, having to get a new body" not really that but something that sort of meant that and his grandparents were all like "this dude is an idiot". Yea, so he gave a few hints.

Anonymous said...

I believe the big foreshadowing was Freak's death which was portrayed with a few subtle hints. The idea of a robot body was a bit of a far-fetched idea to concept. He wants it a secret, like no one else is allowed to know, including his mother which was a big hint. To be able to transfer all of one's organs into another body without them shutting down, I think would take this from realistic fiction into a bit of sci-fi, no?

Anonymous said...

i found foreshadowing when freak told max about him geting his robot body. then later in the book i found out that freak was lieing about it.