Monday, November 3, 2008

Character - due November 10th

In class we discussed characters and characterization. After reading the first 3 chapters of Freak the Mighty, it is already clear who the main characters are. However, the author has also already begun to characterize these boys by using some of the four basic methods for developing a character.

As readers, we have learned about Maxwell (the narrator, Kicker) and Kevin (Freak, robot-boy) through physical descriptions, their thoughts, their actions, and even what they have said to and about each other.

In your comment for the week talk to me about what Maxwell and Freak look like. Who are they - based on what they have said, what they have thought, and how they have reacted to different situations? Finally, what can we learn as readers from what they have said to and about each other?


Gabby101 said...

Well Freak looks like a very small boy with white blond hair, and he has crutches. Maxwell has big feet, really tall. Freak is really smart and he makes remarks that let you tell that he is very intelligent. It kinda seems like he is a know it all. Maxwell doesn't seem very intelligent, and he keeps saying that he isn't very smart so he must have some low self esteem. He wastes a lot of his time sitting and doing nothing productive.The up side to Maxwell is that he is kind because he gets Freak's mechanical bird for him and pulls him around in a wagon. Freak seems like he is an outcast, he doesn't know how to approach a person like people regularly do. Maxwell says he is scared of Freak.

smileypencil said...

Kevin seems kind of like a stock character at first. He seems like the nerd who doesn't have any friends and who everybody thinks is weird.

jrd13 said...

Freak is small and has whitish blonde hair, he has crutches, and has leg braces. Maxwell is a super tall. It seems like Maxwell and Freak are opposites. Freak is short- Maxwell is tall. Freak is smart- Maxwell is sorta dumb. But sometimes you need a friend who is very different.

cookiemonster said...

freak has metal things on his legs and says earthling alot. he is really small and has blonde hair he seems smart and short and maxwell is big footed and really tall he was in day care with freak
maxwell got a mechanical bird out of freaks tree

Midnightsun222 said...

Freak seems like the kind of person who would be timmid at first but then yo umeet him and he can be pretty fierce. And he;s really into robots.He's very smart and know alot of things for his age. And he doesnt really like Maxwell. Freak has yellow hair small with crutches and metal tubes on his legs to help him walk.
Maxwell seems he's the dumb kid. He doesn't really know alot of stuff. He is very agressive and never does anything. He just sits around all day. And he's very tall and bigger.

ce_starlites123 said...

Well freak is short, blond hair, and is on crutches. Maxwell on the other hand is very tall, adn has huge feet! Freak acts very intelligent, and smart, but Maxwell does not seem very smart at all. When Maxwell and Freak first saw each other, Maxwell thought that Freak truly was a Freak becuase he had remebered him from kindergarden, and Freak was not scared of Freak like most people would be. I think Maxwell and Freak will soon become good friends.

Treami said...

Max I guess, the way I picture him is as a boy growing rapidly, has darker hair and kinda has this bully image about him. Kevin or freak is very short, has a walking disability with crutches and is an extraordinary smart boy has light blond hair and is a very unique boy. Freak makes very logical and accurate statements, and probably some self-esteem issues. Max even though he says he is not very smart he is very kind, for giving Freak the ride in the wagon and getting the mechanical bird out of the tree, but Max says he is scared of Freak. Freak doesn't seem to be productive but when he is you'd be amazed.

EBB said...

Freak looks like his dad and is very tall. there hasn's been much said about his other physical features. Freak however is very short, and has blonde hair.His leg has a brace and somtimes he uses a crutch. Freak isn't very smart and he might have a learning disorder. freak is very smart and often gets distracted with describing things and getting off the main subject(i might be getting ahead but blade seems like a jerk and needs to take a chill pill.)

football37 said...

Maxwell is like 6 feet tall whos slow in school and has giant feet. Freak has blond hair, is really smart, about 2 feet tall, walks around with crutches or a leg brace, and uses big words. We learned that Maxwell has learning disability and has giant feet and that he doesn't live with his parents he lives with his grandparents. Freak lives with his mom and likes robots and is probably the smartest kid in the world. He's kind of bossy.

josh said...

Freak is a small boy with crutches and white and yellow hair. and max is a tall boy that was called the kicker when freak and him where in preschool.Freak has the brains of the two and he will make you beleave him. Max has a little room that Grim built him that he does all his stuff in. freak does some weird things like when max was walking by freaks house, freak saw him and started yelling identify your self earthling, and he cept yelling that till max ran away.

wogey123 said...

Freak is short with crutches some times and smart and is very protective about his computer and things when he is moving in to his new house. maxwell is growing taller everyday and lives in a seller. Max thinks freak talks a little werd with his big words and not saying stuff to the pont. freak thinks max is tall and a eatherling (wich we all are and max didn't get it).

car_soccer said...

Max is a boy that gets taller by the second.
He's growing very fast, and has giant feet. And looks a lot like his father. And he has the slight chance of a learning disorder. From the way Max narrates himself; he is a quiet person who tends to get annoyed with the way Freak orders him around.
Freak on the other hand is very short, and has blonde hair. He's crippled. He's incredibly smart. And almost has the whole dictionary memorized. From the way Max decribes Freak; he is a very independent, and sophisticated person. And tends to boss Max around.

Swimmer Law said...

I think that Maxwell is a kid that doesn't have any friends and needs some friends if he is going to move on in life. Freak is sombody that knows he is smart and thinks he is cool because of it.

mjs1331 said...

maxwell is a tell strong boy that almost everyone is ofrade of freak is a small blond with leg problems

20140353 said...

Well freak is very small and he is on crutches and has blonde hair and is very smart. Maxwell is very tall and has dark hair, he isnt the smartest person in the world.

Darknessdragon said...

I kinda already dislike freak. he thinks hes better than everyone else and thinks he soooo smart. i dont like people like that. i like maxwell though.

stemil said...

Well the person that maxwell calls Freak, he also calls Maxwell earthling and has a sister. Freak also has blond hair and uses crutches to help him walk. Maxwell has large feet and seems kind of helpful, and very tall.

Anonymous said...

Freak, is small boy with blond hair, and he is on crutches. Maxwell is big and,tall. Freak is really smart. Maxwell is kind because he gets Freak's mechanical bird for him and pulls him around in a wagon. Freak is sort of mean because when maxwell hands him his bird he says "Oh it speeks" But Maxwell does not react at all really so that told me that maxwell doesent really care what other people think of him. I learned from this section that we read is to not care what other peole say about you.

20140050 said...

freak is small, smart, and on cruches. Maxwell is big, and tall. freak is mean because when maxwell handed freak the mechanical bird and talked to him he just said "oh it talks". maxwell is nice though because he picks up the bird for freak and gives it to him, he even gives him a ride in a wagon. This section we read of the book tought me not to care what negative things people say about me.

Austin said...

Freak is very short he is on crutches and not being scared of anyone.

Mxwell is big and not mean but freaks friend and Maxwell is courios about freak

kc_wizards18 said...

Freak has whitesh blond hair,with crutches. Freak is very smart and weird. Maxwell is tall with big feet and gets called many different names. They are very different in my opinion because Freak is smart and Maxwell isnt.
They are both very curious.

Kst8r 4 Life said...

Freak is really small, like two year old small, and he has really blonde hair. Freak has to also use crutches. Maxwell on the other hand is very big. He's bigger than most people, he also has very large feet.

Tuesday11 said...

Freak (Kevin) is very small and has metal leg braces and crutches. He also seems like he is somewhat of an adult in his mind. He seems really intelligent and smart, like a human dictionary. Maxwell, on the other hand, isn't very smart. He is sort of a "giant". He also spends msot of his time down in the basement in his room. Freak and Max sort of become friends when Max helps Freak with his airplane. Max helps him get it down and they play with it for hours just watching it fly. Max actually firgures out that he and Freak went to the same daycare as little kids. Freak kind of takes control of situations and so does Max... just in a different way. Maxwell got the nickname "Kicker" because he handles situations in a bulley type of way.

makena12345 said...

Freak- Freak is small and he has blonde hair. He is on cruches. He likes robots and people call him robot boy.

Maxwell- Maxwell is tall and big and likes to read comic books. His room is located in the basement and it is called the Down Under. He lives at his grandparent’s house.

RNguyen said...

Freak is a really small boy with whitish blonde hair with crutches. Max is a really tall boy that looks a lot like his dad and has learning disabilities. Freak is really smart and likes to do quests and treasure hunts while in the other hand Max is not that smart. The first time they met was when Max met Freak in his front yard when he Freak was showing Max a mechanical bird that can fly and Max was amazed.

kkern said...

Max is blonde and handicapped. He is smart and doesn’t have very many friends.
Freak is a blond haired kid, with crutches; he is very smart and weird. Max is tall with big feet and gets called names.

Katie said...

I think Max is really tall, and has brown hair. Hes not very smart when it comes to school. But he is smart at other things. Kevin has crutches, and I think is younger then Maxwell. So hes pretty short. He probably has blond, short hair. He is very smart, but usually has to explain things to Maxwell.

swimmer671 said...

Freak is really smart,but he is really small he is also kind of over confident.Max is really big, he isn't the smartest person and he is constantly beating himself up about it.